The Quiet Breath of Shalom

In the hush of dawn, where shadows sway,
a whisper breathes, altering the world,
with silent grace, a sacred balm,
shalom descends, a gentle calm.

No trumpet’s call, no clashing might,
just the tender touch of morning light,
weaving through hearts, a thread so fine,
binding wounds with a peace profound.

In fields where conflict once took hold,
now bloom flowers of love, bright and bold,
silent power, unseen yet near,
shalom, the quiet that wipes away tears.

A river flows, pure and deep,
in silent vows, our souls are kept,
no storm can break, no fear can mar,
the quiet strength of peace’s star.

In every breath, in every prayer,
shalom, the light beyond compare,
a silent power, vast and grand,
healing hearts across the land.

Through quiet streets and whispered dreams,
it moves with grace, unseen it seems,
yet all who feel its gentle sway,
know peace has come to light the way.

Let us greet this silent force with open arms,
a presence that knows no harm,
for in its quiet, we discover the art,
of peace that resides within the heart.

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