The Irony of Housing Development Names

There is a rather sobering joke among ecologically-minded people that housing developments are usually named after what was destroyed to build the development.

Here are some we came up with recently (feel free to add your own):

Falling Timbers
Evanesced Meadows
Waning Woods
Leveled Hills
Silted Creek
Burnt Trees
Hawkless Ridge
Vanishing View


  1. True story.

    A couple of weeks ago, I drove back out to West Virginia where I used to live and work. There has been a lot of development and at one particular place where they are building townhouses, there was an old house that some real estate office used and an old windmill, both I suspect left over from a farm. Well, I noticed that both the house and the windmill are gone. And in their place there’s a big sign with the “new” name of the subdivision. Guess what they named it?

    Windmill Crossings


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