Finding the Angel Tree

I continue to add art to my gallery at DeviantArt.

One of the pieces I worked on this morning arose out of work I was doing to create a Diurnum (Atlas of My Day) page, a series which I am offering as a subscription at DeviantArt.

I am generally a hopeful person and was very excited overall at the response when I became a member at DA. I must say though that the scavengers who have contacted me with words of appreciation for my art that quickly morph into scams have left a bad taste in my mouth.

This piece arose out of my contemplation as I continue to seek to create in the midst of a world that sometimes only cares about exploitation. So Creatives, continue to create, bring beauty into the world. Eventually we will overcome the ugliness . . . 

This is a gif that I created from some of the images.

Visit my gallery for more traditional and digital art.

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