Where Do You Think All of These Appalling Wars and Quarrels Come From?

James Speaks To The World Leaders of Today

Hearken, leaders of nations, to the words of wisdom bestowed upon thee: Behold, the lamentations of the earth echo through the winds, and the cries of the oppressed pierce the heavens. Know ye not the source of these appalling wars and quarrels that ravage the lands?

Verily, I say unto you, they spring forth from the depths of human hearts, where selfish desires breed strife and discord. Let not your pursuit of power blind thee to the suffering of thy brethren, for true leadership emanates from compassion and empathy.

Seek ye not dominion over others, but strive instead for justice, equality, and peace. For it is in the unity of hearts and the harmony of nations that true prosperity and well-being shall flourish.

Heed these words, O leaders, and let not pride nor greed cloud thy judgment. Let righteousness guide thy actions, and let love be the foundation upon which ye build the future of humanity.

(Author’s Note: The words of the title are found in James 4 from the Message translation. Images were created using the text as prompt in Wombo Dream).

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