Double Negative Is Positive

Divine Silence Writ Loud in Haiku


In the beginning, there was silence. A profound stillness that held within it the breath of all possibility. It was in this sacred quietude that the Divine whispered the world into being, not with a cacophony of sound, but with a gentle exhalation, a single word that resonated through the emptiness and began the great dance of creation.

This silence is not the absence of noise, but the presence of a peace that surpasses understanding. It is the ground of my being, the canvas upon which the Divine paints the vibrant hues of life. In this hallowed tranquility, I find the essence of a Zen Christian path—a contemplative journey that seeks not to fill the silence, but to become one with it.

As I walk this path, I embrace the paradoxes of my existence. I discover that in the emptiness, there is fullness; in the stillness, movement; and in the silence, the Word. My heart becomes attuned to the subtle rhythms of the Divine, and I learn to see with eyes wide open to the wonder that enfolds me.

The haikus that follow are echoes of this primordial silence, reflections of the Divine mystery that dwells within and all around me. They are signposts along the way, inviting me to pause, to breathe, to be present in the moment. For it is in these fleeting instants that I encounter the eternal, the unspoken dialogue between the soul and the Sacred.

Let us then begin, not with a clamor, but with a whisper, a breath, a heartbeat. Let us enter the sacred text of our lives with reverence, with openness, with love. And may the Divine, who is both the journey and the destination, guide us ever deeper into the heart of the mystery.

Double Negative Haikus for Meditation

Not without silence,
Can the truth not be unheard—
Divine whispers soft.

No day without night,
Nor a faith that isn’t tried—
Life’s dance, shadowed light.

Not without seeking,
Can the soul not find its peace—
Infinite paths merge.

No stars without sky,
Not a prayer goes unheard—
Heavens hold no bounds.

No heart without beat,
Not a dream not dared to chase—
Life’s pulse, not unfelt.

No night without dawn,
Can the light not find its way—
Hope’s gleam, never not

No end without start,
Not a journey not worth paths—
Destiny’s not set.

No love without loss,
Not a bond not deeply felt—
Hearts not unentwined.

No peace without strife,
Not a calm not hard-earned—
Serenity’s not free.

No wisdom without doubt,
Not a lesson not learned hard—
Insight’s not unearned.

No growth without pain,
Not a change not worth the tears—
Strength’s not untested.

No joy without sorrow,
Not a laugh not born from cries—
Happiness not hollow.

No faith without questions,
Not a belief not shaken—
Convictions not firm.

No light without dark,
Not a day not chased by night—
Shadows not part of us.

No silence without sound,
Not a word not meaningful—
Voices not unheard.

No life without death,
Not a soul not immortal—
Existence not finite.

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