Another Year Another Trip

A Series of Haikus on the Eve of my Birthday

Another year turns, Silent whispers of the stars— Time’s soft embrace holds.

Candles flicker bright, Each flame a silent witness To the years gone by.

The moon waxes full, Reflecting on years gone past— Cycles in still night.

Spring blooms once again, Petals dance in tender wind— Life’s eternal spin.

Eyes reflect the sky, Another trip ’round the sun— A journey, not done.

Wrinkles softly form, Lines of laughter, tears, and dreams— Stories etched in skin.

Footsteps on the sand, Each grain a moment captured— Tides erase, renew.

Morning sun rises, Bathing the earth in gold light— Hope in dawn’s fresh start.

Echoes of the past Whisper through the present day— Memories’ soft hum.

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